Understanding Linked Lists with Tail in TypeScript: A Deep Dive
Hey there today will be focusing on the Linked List with Tail in TypeScript. A very useful data structure. Especially if implementing other types of linked lists such as queues and stacks.
What is a Linked List with Tail?
Basic Concept
A Linked List is like a treasure hunt, where each clue leads to the next. In technical terms, it's a collection of nodes, each pointing to the next node in the sequence. The twist? Our Linked List has a tail, a savvy shortcut that points directly to the last node. This little trick can save us a heap of time in certain operations.
Why Use a Linked List with Tail?
- Efficiency in Certain Operations: With direct access to the tail, appending elements is a breeze.
- Dynamic Size: Unlike arrays, it grows and shrinks gracefully, without the need for resizing.
- Memory Savvy: It only uses the memory it needs, no more, no less.
Implementing a Linked List with Tail in TypeScript
There are often multiple ways of building the same thing. That is to say, not every linked list with a tail will be the same, nore the methods. However, the overall structure will be the same. In this case, i'll be implementing some methods to get the point across. But there may be others.
The Building Blocks
Node Structure
export class Node {
next: null | Node
constructor(value: any) {
this.value = value
this.next = null
Linked List Structure
export class LinkedListWithTail {
private head: null | Node
private tail: null | Node
private size: number
constructor() {
this.head = null
this.tail = null
this.size = 0
// Methods will be added here
Utility Methods
There will be a bunch of useful methods to include here, such as 'isEmpty()', 'getSize()', 'print()':
isEmpty() {
return this.size === 0
getSize() {
return this.size
print() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
console.log("List is empty")
} else {
let current = this.head
let output = ""
while (current) {
output += current.value
output += current.next ? " -> " : ""
current = current.next
console.log("linked list: ", output)
Core Methods
Adding Elements
prepend(value: any) {
const node = new Node(value)
if (this.isEmpty()) {
this.head = node
this.tail = node
} else {
node.next = this.head
this.head = node
append(value: any) {
const node = new Node(value)
if (this.isEmpty()) {
this.head = node
this.tail = node
} else {
this.tail!.next = node
this.tail = node
Removing Elements
removeFromFront() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return null
const value = this.head!.value
this.head = this.head!.next
return value
removeFromEnd() {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return null
const value = this.tail!.value
if (this.size === 1) {
this.head = null
this.tail = null
} else {
let current = this.head
while (current!.next !== this.tail) {
current = current!.next
current!.next = null
this.tail = current
searchValue(value: any) {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return -1
} else {
let i = 0
let current = this.head
while (current) {
if (current.value === value) {
return i
current = current.next
Practical Tips and Insights
When to Use
- Dynamic Collections: Perfect for when you don't know the size beforehand.
- Frequent Additions/Deletions: Especially at the ends of the list.
Performance Considerations
- Access Time: It's not an ace when it comes to random access. Arrays might be better in such cases.
- Memory Overhead: Each node carries a little extra weight (the pointer to the next node).
Common Pitfalls
- Circular References: Be careful! It's easy to accidentally create a loop.
- Memory Leaks: When removing nodes, ensure you're not leaving any references hanging.
In the realm of data structures, the Linked List with Tail stands out for its elegance and practicality in certain scenarios. By understanding its nuances and implementing it wisely, you can optimize your TypeScript applications for better performance and efficiency.
Remember, the key to mastering any programming concept is practice, curiosity, and a dash of creativity.